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Free Consultation: 800-937-8443

Uninsured vehicle in accident

It is estimated that 16% of drivers in Indiana and 18% of drivers in Kentucky do not have auto insurance, according to the Insurance Research Council.

It is important to understand your auto insurance policy and to make sure that you and your family are properly protected from auto accidents. Do you have both Uninsured and Underinsured coverage? You need both. Here is the difference…

  • Uninsured motorist coverage protects you and your passengers in the event that you are hit by someone who does not have auto insurance.
  • Underinsured motorist coverage is coverage that protects you and your passengers in the event that you are hit by another vehicle and they do not have enough auto insurance. In Kentucky, the minimum requirement of insurance is $25,000 per person/ $50,000 per accident. If you are hit by a driver with minimum limits, the maximum insurance that you can recover is $25,000 per person, even if you suffer life-threatening or disabling injuries. Underinsured motorist coverage will provide additional coverage for you and your passengers if you are hit by a driver who has insurance, but does not have enough insurance.

Check the declaration of coverages on your insurance policy or call your agent to make sure that you and your family are properly protected. It is important to carry both uninsured AND underinsured motorist coverage.

Jimmy Kaufman, Attorney

